

How to backup iPhone to iCloud fast and easy

We'll go over the best way how to backup your iPhone to iCloud, what that backup does and doesn't include, as well as any gotchas to keep an eye out for.

Back up iPhone

Back up iPhone using iCloud See the Apple Support article What does iCloud back up? Go to Settings > [your name] > iCloud > iCloud Backup . Turn on Backup This iPhone. iCloud automatically backs up your iPhone daily when iPhone is connecte

如何使用iCloud 備份iPhone 或iPad

使用「iCloud 備份」自動備份 · 前往「設定」> [你的姓名] >「iCloud」>「iCloud 備份」,並確認已啟用「備份此[裝置]」。 · 將裝置接上電源。 · 將裝置連接到Wi-Fi 網路。

How to Backup iPhone

Step 1: Connect to Wi-Fi · Step 2: Open Settings · Step 3: Tap on your Apple ID · Step 4: Access iCloud Settings · Step 5: Enable iCloud Backup · Step 6: Initiate ...

How to back up your iPhone on a Mac or to iCloud

評分 4.8 (424,618) · 免費 · 商業/生產力 · Back up your iPhone with iCloud storage · Go to Settings, tap on your name, and then tap iCloud. · Tap Backup and toggle iCloud Backup into the ...


At, you can access your photos, files, and more from any web browser. Changes you make will sync to your iPhone and other devices. iCloud Drive · Contacts · Calendar · Apple Invites

Can someone explain to me iCloud, iCloud backup, iCloud drive like ...

To manage what gets backed up, go to settings>your name>iCloud. To choose specific third party apps to backup data, go one step further to ...

教學最新版iPhone 全機備份還原iCloud 及iTunes 轉資料

【教學】新iPhone 全機備份2招!完整還原iCloud 及iTunes 資料 · Step 1. 連接wifi · PS. · 1. 關閉不需備份的APP · 2. · Step 1. 將【尋找我的iPhone】關閉 · Step 2. 清空 ...

How to back up your iPhone to iCloud | Apple Support

Keep all the important information on your iPhone securely backed up to iCloud. That way if anything ever happens to your device, ...